Isolation and Identification of Some Genes for Drought Tolerance in Suaeda Sp Plant

Document Type : Original Article


Plant Genetic resources Dept. Desert Research center. Matariya, Cairo, Egypt


 In the present study, two species of the drought-tolerant genus Suaeda (Suaeda vera and Suaeda pruinosa) were investigated for detection of some genes responsible for drought resistance. Three genes (P5CS, BADH, and DREB) were chosen and detected using specific primers producing bands of different sizes 1500bp, 700bp and 430bp, respectively. The obtained fragments of the three genes were Sequenced, and phylogenetic tree constructed. The results revealed the efficiency of BADH to clarify the closest relatedness of Suaeda species with other species on National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. In addition, one can conclude that BADH gene may be included in drought resistance mechanism of Suaeda species. This study can be used in the future for breeding and crop improvement programs..
