Serum Alkaline Phosphatase As A Biomarker for Bone Damage After Immediate Basal Implant Placement In Jawbones of Beagle Dogs

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the College of Dentistry/University of Duhok.Iraq.

2 Department of Dental Technologies at the Duhok Technical College/Duhok Polytechnic University.

3 Department of Medical Laboratories at the College of Health Sciences/University of Duhok.


This study aimed to find the level of bone damage in the jaw bones after multiple basal implant placements in both upper and lower jaws by having the serum level of alkaline phosphatase. Materials and methods: Ten beagle dogs were involved in the first stage of the study when the first and second premolars in both maxillary and mandibular segments of the left side of the mouth were extracted and followed by immediate implant placement of screw-designed basal implants. A preoperative and immediate postoperative blood collection was done initially, and a waiting period of four months was enough to have a mature bone formation in the peri-implant areas, that was the time for late postoperative blood collection. The blood samples were centrifuged to have sera for alkaline phosphatase examination. Results: no significant difference was detected between the preoperative and the immediate postoperative groups while a significant difference was detected in comparison with the late postoperative group. Conclusions: no significant jawbone damage can be correlated to the basal implants even with multiple teeth extractions and multiple basal implants' immediate placement procedure.
