Evaluation Effect of the Essential Oil of Green Anis (Pimpinella Anisum) on The Liver Function of Young Rats Following Exposure to Mercury Chloride

Document Type : Original Article


1 Laboratory of Biotoxicology, Pharmacognosy and Biological recovery of plants (LBPVBP), Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Dr Moulay Tahar, Saida, Algeria.

2 Institue of Veterinary Sciences Ibn-Khaldoun University Tiaret 14000, Algeria.

3 Laboratory of Biotoxicology, Pharmacognosy and Biological recovery of plants (LBPVBP), Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Dr Moulay Tahar, Saida, Algeria. -Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Relizane 48000, Algeria.


Green anis is a plant known since antiquity with its different therapeutic effects such as; antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, analgesic, antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects. However, mercury is a trace element metal that is very common in the environment and has adverse effects on human health. The liver is considered to be the seat of metabolism and the elimination of drugs and exogenous substances from the body.
              This work consists on the one hand evaluating the hepatotoxicity induced in young Wistar rats during the period of development, following exposure to a dose of 100mg/L of mercury chloride. On the other hand, we treated young rats with the essential oil of green anis. On the other hand, we measured the biomarkers of the hepatic function such: ALT, ASAT and ALP followed by a histological study. the results demonstrate a significant increase of these biomarkers in intoxicated animals ASAT, ALAT, ALP (p<0.01), (P < 0.05), (p<0.01) respectively and an alteration of the liver architecture. Nevertheless, we recorded an improvement in these parameters after the treatment with anis oil for 21 days.
               In conclusion, exposure to mercury chloride during the development period induced disruption of liver metabolism by changing serum transaminases levels and liver histology. This could be ameliorated by treatment with the essential oil of Pimpinella anisum.
