The relation between growth hormone (GH) gene and Cytochrome b gene in three salmon types

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Genetics-School of basic science, Islamic Azad University Tonekabon Branch,Iran

2 Young Researchers Club, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran

3 Department of Fisheries Sciences and Marine Biology- School of Basic Science, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran


In the present study, growth hormone (GH) gene and Cytochrome b gene in Salmo trutta caspius and Salmo trutta fario were discussed, the rate of relationships between salmonids were analyzed by GH and Cytochrome b gene. The GH gene is a genetics marker in nuclear DNA that expressed paternal traits in salmons, furthermore, Cytochrome b gene also is genetics marker that expressed maternal DNA  in mitochondrial genomics. With two genes  we documented that there were high homology between sequences of GH gene and Cytochrome b gene, hence the salmonids types, specially salmo trutta caspius, salmo salar and salmo trutta fario probably had similar ancient in bony fishes.
