Effect of incubation and storage temperatures on Quality of set Yoghurt

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Khartoum, Department of Food Science & Technology

2 Sudan Academy of Science

3 GM at PDCA for integrated quality management systems solutions


This study aimed to investigate the effect of incubation and storage temperatures on quality of set yoghurt made from cow milk during storage life of 10 days. The yoghurt mix was prepared by adding 100 Kg skim milk powder to 341 liters of distilled water and then mixed for 20 minutes and adding 60 liters fresh cow milk. The yoghurt mix was pasteurized at 90oC for 20 minutes and then cooled to 45oC. A 2% of mixed starter culture type (CH-1, B-3) was added. Then it was incubated at different incubation temperatures (41oC, 43oC, 45oC) for 4 hours. Physiochemical characteristics such as acidity, viscosity, wheying-off and sensory quality were carried out at zero time and after one day in order to select optimum incubation temperature. Then optimum sample was stored at two temperatures (6oC and 10oC) to study the effect on quality. The results showed that the incubation temperature of 45oC gave the best quality yoghurt compared with incubation temperatures of 41oC and 43oC as measured with the parameters of acidity, wheying-off, viscosity and sensory quality.
Storage temperature of 6oC gave the better quality yoghurt compared with storage temperature of 10oC which resulted in large amount of whey separated, low viscosity and low acidity.
