Effect of Carrot Juice on Some Blood Parameters in CCl4 intoxicated rabbits

Document Type : Original Article


Zoology department, faculty of science, Sirte University –Libya


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the beneficial effects of Daucus carota root juice on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) intoxicated rabbits. In this study, fifteen rabbits divided into 3 groups... The first group (G1) served as the control, the second group (G2) was treated with CCl4 , and a third group (G3) was treated with CCl4 +extract of Dacus Carota roots .
     Carbon tetrachloride alone caused a non-significant (P<0.05) increase in WBCs, RBCs, Hb and HCT compared with G1. and non-significant decrease in  PLT was observed in CCl4  treated group compared with G1. Administration of Daucus carota roots juice to CCl4 G3 shown a significant (P<0.05) increase in the HCT, WBCs, PLT and non- significant change in RBCs and Hb.  
