Bioinformatics Analysis of has-miR-181a in some Covid-19 Vaccinated People in Al-Najaf Province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Pathological Analyses, Faculty of Science, University of Kufa.

2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Kufa.


The angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is an enzyme of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), which catalyzes the conversion of some other angiotensin. ACE2 is widely expressed in different tissues. Many researchers reported many microRNAs involved in ACE2 expression, hsa-mir-181a one of these microRNAs which involved in ACE2 expression.
            In this study, we develop a comparative method (miR-Explore) to demonstrate that clustering of vaccinated miRNAs hsa-mir-181a of gene ACE2- alters the sensitivity and specificity of the prediction method even when a simple direct alignment of the positional secondary structure is used. The basic idea of the current approach was to generate a predictive visualization of the miRNAs hsa-mir-181a consensus structure for each vaccinated and unvaccinated miRNAs hsa-mir-181a class and use this consensus structure to perform alignment with the query sequence A set of data was taken from pre-miRNA by extracting total RNA and converting it to cDNA, then reading the DNA sequence and following up the in situ secondary structure of these sequences by means of dedicated software programs and websites and comparing them with each other and with sequences available in the microRNA database website.
